参编著作 | ||
教育部高等学校法医学专业教学指导委员会规划教材《高级法医学》第3版.第三章第二节死因分析的理论与实践 | 赵虎,刘超主编.郑州大学出版社,2021:32-46 | 编者 |
全国高等学校“十四五”医学规划教材《法医学》第4版 | 廖林川主编.高等教育出版社.2021:25-32,33-49 | 副主编 |
改革试点创新教材《法医学》第1版.第三章法医病理学第二节法医死亡学相关问题 | 陶陆阳主编.人民卫生出版社.2021:23-441 | 编者 |
《FORENSIC MEDICINE》Chapter 1:Medicolegal Aspect of Death | Ling Li,Yiping Hou主编.人民卫生出版社.2020:16-24 | 编者 |
《死亡学》第1版.第三章法医死亡学 | 张继宗主编.北京:科学出版社,2018:83-109 | 编者 |
疑案探秘(《法医学杂志》30年经典案例集萃与评析).损伤并发症与伤病关系 | 陈忆九,刘宁国主编.上海:上海科技教育出版社有限公司.2017年11月:164-189/ISBN978-75428-6492-5/R·441 | 编者 |
《Forensic Medicine》国家卫生和计划生育委员会“十三五”英文版规划教材,全国高等院校教材,供临床医学专业及来华留学生(MBBS)双语教学用.Chapter 10:Ballistic injuries | 赵虎主编.北京:人民卫生出版社.2017年8月:124-135/ISBN978-7-117-24594-4/R·24959 | 编者 |
《法医学》第3版(“十一五”国家级规划教材,全国高等学校医学规划教材).4死亡 | 侯一平主编.北京:高等教育出版社.2015年3月:25-34/ISBN978-7-04-041930-6 | 副主编 |
《FORENSIC MEDICINE》. Chapter 1:Medicolegal aspect of death | 李玲,侯一平主编.北京:人民卫生出版社.2014年5月:15-29(ISBN 978-7-117-18778-4/R·18780) | 编者 |
《法医学》第4版. 2法医死亡学;6机械性损伤;7颅脑损伤 | 刘敏主编.成都:四川大学出版社.2013年8月:16-27, 65-75,95-100,105-114 ( ISBN:978-7-5614-7028-2) | 编者 |
编者 | ||
侯一平主编.北京:高等教育出版社.2008年9月:19-28/ISBN:978-7-04-024573-8(1.5万字) | 副主编 | |
继往开来:振兴中国法医教育事业—纪念中国现代高等法医专业教育创建25周年 | 王镭主编.四川大学出版社.2008年9月:77-78 | 编委会秘书 |
《法医学》第3版(“十一五”国家级规划教材).2法医死亡学;6机械性损伤;机械性损伤的法医学鉴定;7颅脑损伤 | 吴家文主编.成都:四川大学出版社.2006年8月:16-29,74-84,101-110,111-121/ ISBN:7-5614-3430-8 | 编者 |
成都:四川大学电子出版社.2005年8月/ISBN:7-900678-11-5/R001 | 主编 | |
《现代法医学》(国家科学技术著作出版基金资助)-31.4原发性脑损伤;31.5继发性脑损伤;31.6继发性脑外器官损害;31.7其他脑外伤继发性损害 | 陈康颐主编.上海:复旦大学出版社.2004年7月:627-641(5万字)/ ISBN:7-309-03601-8 | 编者 |
《法医学》第1版(全国高等学校医学规划教材).2死亡 | 侯一平主编.北京:高等教育出版社.2004年1月:9-15(1.5万字)/ISBN:7-04-013241-9 | 副主编 |
《实用法医鉴定新近展》.1法医死亡学概论;2颅脑损伤及其生物力学 | 国家继续教育讲义.2003年10月:1-92,108-149(15万字) | 主编 |
《吴家文 吴梅筠从教50年》 | 吕重九主编.四川大学出版社.2003年6月,ISBN 7-5614-2601-1 | 编者 |
《法医学伤残评定》第十四章脊柱损伤及其伤残评定;第十五章颈部损伤及其伤残评定 | 赵新才主编.成都:四川大学出版社.2003年5月:363-394(ISBN:7-5614-2593-7/ R·64) (5万字) | 编者 |
《脑干损伤》(CAI课件光盘) | 徐小虎主编.北京医科大学出版社.2003年11月(ISBN 7-89998-791-1) | 编者 |
《法医学》第2版. 2死亡;5机械性损伤 | 吴家文主编.中国协和医科大学联合出版社.2000年7月:13-23,50-92(ISBN:7-81072-099-6) | 编者 |
《法医学》第1版.2死亡;5机械性损伤 | 吴家文主编.北京医科大学-中国协和医科大学联合出版社.1995年2月: 12-20,46-82(ISBN:7-81034-440-4) | 编者 |
《英汉免疫学双解辞典》 | 尹学念主编.吉林省科学技术出版社.1991年1月:240-286(ISBN:7-5384-0700-6/R·123) | 编者 |
《法医学》第一章死亡学;第三章机械性损伤;第四章机械性窒息 | 刘宝城主编.哈尔滨船舶工程学院出版社. 1989年7月: 13-21,48-53,79-97 (ISBN:7-81007-095-9/R·1) | 编者 兼学术秘书 |
代表性论文 | ||
Trifloromethylbenzimidazole Suppresses Cervical Cancer Growth via Targeting Mammalian Large Tumor Suppressor Kinase | Latin American Journal of Pharmacy.2020,39 (6):1-6 | Zhenjun JIA, Guanghui ZHU, Xiaojun YU(通讯作者) |
Mir-382 Promotes Differentiation of Rat Liver Progenitor Cell WB-F344 by Targeting Ezh2. | CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY . 2018;48: 2389-2398. | Yongxia Zheng,Jiansheng Zhou, Xuebo Li, Guangtao Xu,Mingliang Jin, Ruilin Shen,Ruibing Su, Shuyu Zhan,Baoyue Ding,Mingguang Jia, Yuzhong Cui, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Toll-Like receptor 4 promotes the phosphorylation of CRMP2 via the activation of Rho-kinase in MCAO rats. | MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS . 2018; 18(1): 342-348 | XUE‑BO LI, MING‑XIA DING , CHUN‑LI DING, LIANG‑LIANG LI, JINZHOU FENG,XIAO‑JUN YU(通讯作者) |
Changes of serum trace elements in early stage trauma and its correlation with injury severity score | Medicine.(2018) 97:23:1-3 (SCI:1.206) | Kaihong Chen, MD, Junyao Lv, MS, Guanghuan Wang, MD, PhD∗, Xiaojun Yu, MD, PhD,Xiaohu Xu, MD, PhD, Guanghui Zhu, MD, PhD, Zhuying Shao, MS, Dian Wang, MD, PhD,Chang Tang, MS, Shanqing Cai, MS |
Anterior wrist and medial malleolus as the novel sites of tissue selection: a retrospective study on electric shock death through the hand-to-foot circuit pathway | Int J Legal Med (2017) 131:677–683(JCR 1区SCI:2.862) | Guangtao Xu,Ruibing Su, Junyao Lv, Bo Hu, Huan Gu, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Anterior wrist and medial malleolus the optimal sites for tissue selection in electric death through hand-to-foot circuit pathway | Int J Legal Med (2017) 131:433–439(JCR 1区SCI:2.862) | Guangtao Xu, Ruibing Su, Junyao Lv, Xiaoping Lai, Xianxian Li1, Jiayan Wu, Bo Hu, Long Xu, Ruilin Shen, Jiang Gu, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Population genetic analysis of the Globalfiler STR loci in 3032 individuals from the Altay Han population of Xinjiang in northwest China | Int J Legal Med.2017,17(6): 141-143((JCR 1区SCI:2.862) | XueBo Li, Liangliang Li, Qingshan Wang, Jianzhong Zhang, Wendong Ge5,,Rufeng Bai, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者), Meisen Shi |
Metabolic risk factors associated with sudden cardiac death(SCD) during acute myocardial ischemia | Forensic Sciences Research.2017, 2(3): 126-131 | Dian Wang,Xingxing Wang,Jiayan Wu, Ruibing Su,Jing Kong,Xiaojun Yu |
Intramedulary schwannoma of the upper cervical spinal cord: a case study of identification in pathologic autopsy | Forensic Ssciences Reshearch. 2017,2(1):46-40 | Xianxian Li,Guangtao Xu. Ruibing Su, Junyao Li, Xiaoping Lai, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Pontine Changes in Metabolites and Axonal Fibres of Rats Following Four-week Alcohol Exposure: In Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 1h-magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study at 7.0 T | Alcohol and Alcoholism.2016, 1-6(SCI:2.757) | Jianming Luo, Zhiwei Shen, Guang Chen, Dian Wang, and Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Aspartic acid racemization in dentin of the third molar for age estimation of the Chaoshan population in South China | Forensic Science International. 266(2016):234-238(SCI: 2.307) | Shisheng Chen,Yanyi Lv,Dian Wang, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Non-targeted metabolomics identified a common metabolic signature of lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmia (LVTA) in two rat models | Molecular Biosystems, 2016,12(7): 2213-2223(SCI: 2.823) | Xingxing Wang, Dian Wang, Xiaojun Yu,a Guohong Zhang,b Jiayan Wu,a Guanghui Zhu,a Ruibing Sua and Junyao Lva |
Altered Levels of Zinc and N-methyl-D-aspartic Acid Receptor Underlying Multiple Organ Dysfunctions After Severe Trauma | Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, 2015, 21:2613-2620(SCI:1.574) | Guanghuan Wang, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者), Dian Wang, Xiaohu Xu, Guang Chen, Xuewu Jiang |
Trace Element Concentrations in Human Tissues of Death Cases Associated With Secondary Infection and MOF After Severe Trauma | Biol Trace Elem Res. (2015) 168:335-339(SCI:2.059) | Guangtao Xu,Ruibing Su, Bo Li,Junyao Lv,Weiqi Sun, Bo Hu, Xianxian Li, Jiang Gu,Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Analysis of Blood Trace Elements and Biochemical Indexes Levels in Severe Craniocerebral Trauma Adults with Glasgow Coma Scale and Injury Severity Score | Biol Trace Elem Res.(2015) 164:192–197(SCI:2.059) | Guangtao Xu, Bo Hu, Guiqian Chen, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者),Jianming Luo, Junyao Lv,Jiang Gu |
Blood Zinc, Iron, and Copper Levels in Critically Ill Neonates | Biol Trace Elem Res. (2015) 164:8–11(SCI: 2.059) | Guanghuan Wang ,Dian Wang ,Xuewu Jiang,Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者), Lian Ma, Jun Zhong Xueyong Feng |
Quantitative Research in Modern Forensic Analysis of Death Cause: New Classification of Death Cause, Degree of Contribution, and Determination of Manner of Death | J Forensic Res. 2014,5(2):1-4 | Xiaojun Yu*, Haipeng Wang, Long Feng, Jiazhen Zhu |
Severe Diffuse Axon Injury in Chronic Alcoholic Rat Medulla Oblongata Following a Concussion Blow | Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2014(3): 231-237(SCI: 2.696) | Jianming Luo,Guang Chen,Lai We,Hong Qian, Xiaoping Lai, Dian Wang, Junyao Lv ,Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Chronic alcoholism–mediated impairment in the medulla oblongata: a mechanism of alcohol-related mortality in traumatic brain injury? | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2013,67: 1049-1057(SCI:1.789) | Lai Xiao-ping, Yu Xiao-jun(通讯作者), Qian Hong, Wei Lai, Lv Jun-yao, Xu Xiao-hu |
Prognostic Value of Blood Zinc,Iron,and Copper Levels in Critically Ill Children with Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score III | Biol Trace Elem Res.2013,152: 300-304 (SCI:1.708) | Guanghuan Wang,Xueyong Feng, Xiaojun Yu (通讯作者),Xiaohu Xu,Dian Wang,Hanjin Yang,Xuezhi Shi |
Time of Death Revealed by Hydrocarbons of Empty Puparia of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae): A Field Experiment | PloS ONE.www.plosone.org.2013, 8(9): 1-7 e37043(SCI:4.3) | Guang-Hui Zhu*, Xiao-Jun Yu(第二作者), Liang-Xing Xie, Hao Luo, Dian Wang, Jun-Yao Lv, Xiao-Hu Xu* |
Comparison of manually shaped and computer-shaped titanium mesh for repairing large frontotemporoparietal skull defects after traumatic brain injury | Neurosurg Focus.2012,33 (1):1-5 (SCI: 2.922) | Jian Ming Luo,Bin Liu,Ze Yu Xie,Shan Ding,Ze Rui Zhuang,Lan Lin,Yan Chun guo, hui Chen,XiaoJun Yu (通讯作者) |
Altered Levels of Trace Elements in Acute Lung Injury After Severe Trauma | Biological Trace Element Research. 2011,11:9281-9289(SCI:1.708) | Guanghuan Wang,Xiaoping Lai, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者),Dian Wang, Xiaohu Xu |
The Integrated HIV-1 Provirus in Patient Sperm Chromosome and Its Transfer into the Early Embryo by Fertilization | Dian Wang,Lian-Bing Li,Zhi-Wei Hou, Xiang-Jin Kang,Qing-Dong Xie, Xiao-jun Yu, Ming-Fu Ma2,Bo-Lu Ma,Zheng-Song Wang,Yong Lei, Tian-Hua Huang | |
Correspondence | Retina. 2011,31(9):1979. (SCI: 2.774) | Na Zheng,Liang Liu,Xiaojun Yu |
Fertility and Sterility.2011,95(8): e81 (SCI:3.123) | Na Zheng,Liang Liu,Xiaojun Yu | |
Alcoholism and Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Further Study On Changes of TXA-2 / TXA2R and Death Mechanisms | Human Health and Biomedical Engineering (HHBE), 2011 International Conference,2011:209-212(EI) | Haipeng Wang, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
High-voltage electric burns: relation between electric injury and burns on cause of death | Human Health and Biomedical Engineering (HHBE),2011 International Conference, 2011: 840-842 (EI) | Bo Hu, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者),Guangtao Xu, Xiaoyan Pan |
Population genetics for Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes of Chinese Xibe ethnic group | Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2011,5:e119-e121 (SCI:2.877) | Meisen Shi, Rufeng Bai, Lu Bai, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Alcoholism and traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage: an experimental study on vascular morphology and biomechanics | Journal of Trauma.2011,70(1):E6-E12 (SCI: 3.129) | Hai-peng Wang, Xiao-jun Yu(通讯作者), Guo-hui Xu,Guang-tao Xu,Gui-shan Gao, Xiao-hu Xu(第2届司法鉴定理论与实践研讨会,2011-2012年度司法鉴定优秀论文) |
Effects of trace element supplementation on the inflammatory response in a rabbit model of major trauma | Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2010,24:36–41(SCI:2.829) | Wan-anYuan,Xiao-junYu(通讯作者) ,Fu-qiLiu,Hai-pengWang, DianWang,Xiao-ping Lai |
The Densities of Visceral Organs and the Extent of Pathologic Changes | The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology.2009,30(2): 148-151(SCI:0.964) | Rufeng Bai, PhD, Xiaojun Yu, PhD(通讯作者), Dian Wang, MD, Junyao Lv, MD, Guangtao Xu, MD,and Xiaoping Lai, MD |
Assessing forensic applications of the frontal sinus in a Chinese Han population | Forensic Science International. 2009,183: 104.e1–104.e3(SCI:2.089) | Jian-Pin Tang, De-Yi Hu, Feng-Hui Jiang, Xiao-Jun Yu(通讯作者) |
Genetic analyzing of 15 STR loci in a Han population of Jinan(northern China) | Legal Medicine.2009,11(3):144-146 (SCI:1.08) | Jianpin Tang, Jian Zhang , Fenghui Jiang, Xiaojun Yu(通讯作者) |
Haplotype diversity of 22 Y-chromosomal STRs in a southeast China population sample (Chaoshan area) | Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2009,3(2),March:e45-e47(SCI:2.421) | Meisen Shi,Rufeng Bai,Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Junyao Lv, Bo Hu |
Genetic polymorphism of 14 non-CODIS STR loci for forensic use in southeast China population | Forensic Science International. 2008, 174:76–79 (SCI:2.015) | Meisen Shi, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Rufeng Bai, Xiji Shu, Guanghui Zhu, Junyao Lv, Youhua Tu |
Population genetics for Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes of Chinese Tujia ethnic group | Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2008,2(4):e65-e68(SCI:2.421) | Meisen Shi, Rufeng Bai, Lihua Wan, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Lin Chang |
Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes in Chinese Hui ethnic group samples | Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2008, 3(1):e17-e19(SCI:2.421) | Rufeng Bai, Meisen Shi, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Lin Chang |
Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes in Chinese Manchu ethnic group | Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2008, 3(1):e13-e15(SCI:2.421) | Rufeng Bai, Meisen Shi, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Jinsheng Zhang, Lu Bai |
Genetic polymorphism of 14 non-CODIS STR loci for forensic use in southeast China population | Forensic Science International,2008, 174(1):77-80(SCI:2.104) | Meisen Shi, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Rufeng Bai, Xiji Shu, Guanghui Zhu, Junyao Lv, Youhua Tu |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion Weighted Imaging Appearance of Cerebellar Liponeurocytoma | International conference | |
In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Study of the Healthy Chinese Adult Pons | nternational conference | J. T. Guan, X. H. Xu, Y. Q. Geng, X. J. Yu, R. H. Wu |
Metabolic assessment of the human pons by in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy | Brain Research .1227 (2008) :221-225 (SCI:2.218) | Ji-Tian Guan, Xiao-Hu Xu,Yi-Qun Geng, Xiao-Jun Yu(协助博导), Ren-Hua Wu |
Alterations of trace elements(Zn, Se, Cu, Fe) and related metalloenzymes in rabbit blood after severe trauma | Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.2007;21:102-107 (SCI:2.265) | Bao-heng Wang,Xiao-jun Yu(通讯作者),Dian Wang,Xiu-min Qi,Hai-peng Wang,Tian-tong Yang,Xiao-hu Xu |
Haplotypes of 20 Y-chromosomal STRs in a population sample from southeast China(Chaoshan area) | International Journal of Legal Medicine.2007;121:455–462 (SCI:2.620) | Mei Sen Shi,Jian Pin Tang,Ru Feng Bai, Xiao Jun Yu(博士后合作教授), Jun Yao Lv,Bo Hu |
Allele frequencies for six miniSTR loci of two ethnic populations in China | Forensic Sci International. 2007,168(2-3): e25–e28(SCI:1.397) | Rufeng Bai, Meisen Shi, Xiaojun Yu(博士后合作教授), Junyao Lv, Youhua Tu |
6 Y-SNP typing of China and Korea samples using primer extension and DHPLC | Journal Forensic Science.. 2007; 52(1): 235-236 (SCI:0.846) | Meisen Shi, Yiping Hou, Jing Yan, Rufeng Bai, Xiaojun Yu (博士后合作教授) |
Puparial case hydrocarbons of Chrysomya megacephala as an indicator of the postmortem interval | Forensic Science International.2007;169 (1): 1-5 (SCI:1.397) | Guang H. Zhu, Xiao H. Xu, Xiao J. Yu, Yuan Zhang, Jiang F. Wang |
Expression and bioactivity of recombinant segments of human perforin | Biochemistry and Cell Biology.2007, 85(2): 203-208(SCI:3.483) | Hongmei Dong, Xiaohu Xu, Mohong Deng, Xiaojun Yu(协助博导),Hu Zhao,Hui Song, Yiqun Geng |
Assessment of hemodynamics properties of a new-type artificial heart valve prosthesis using catheterization and echocardiography | American Journal of Hematology 2006, 81:563-567(SCI:1.612) | Y.J. Zeng, S.W. Xu,Q. Wang,Y. Cheng,A.Q. Dong,R.K. Chen,X.J. Yu |
An experimental study on the biomechanical properties of the cancellous bones of distal femur | Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering. 2006,16:215-222(SCI:0.485) | Chunjuan Du, Hongshun Ma, Min Ruo, Zhongjun Zhang, Xiaojun Yu, Yanjun Zeng |
Design of compliance chamber and after-load in apparatus for cultured endothelial cells subjected to stresses | Cell Biology International.2006,30: 439-444 (SCI:1.194) | Hao Ding, Aike Qiao, Lixing Shen, Mingyang Li, Zhenglong Chen, Xiaojun Yu,Yanjun Zeng |
Analysis of STR polymorphisms in the Chao Shan population in South China | Forensic Science International. 2005; 147(1):93-95 (SCI:1.388) | S.P. Hu, X.J. Yu, J.W. Liu, K.L. Cai |
Production of a human single-chain variable fragment antibody against esophageal carcinoma | World J Gastroenterol.2004; 18 (10): 2619-2623(SCI:3.318) | Ming-Yan Xu, Xiao-Hu Xu, Geng-Zhen Chen, Xiao-Ling Deng, Jonathan Li, Xiao-Jun Yu, Mei-Zhen Chen |
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已申请及已获得专利 | ||
密闭空气过滤式高效紫外线杀毒灭菌装置和方法 | 发明专利申请号:202010272513.3 | 于晓军、于文、刘凤仪、肖旭东 |
一种可调的生物软组织定形切取刀具 | 发明专利申请号:201310669622.9 | 于晓军、杨含金、冯龙 |
用固定液增强生物组织力学性状并延长可检测时间的方法 | 2012年12月10日发明专利申请号:201310669674.6 | 于晓军、杨含金、刘志伟、王玉 |
用固定液固定兼萃取生物组织中物质推断死亡时间的方法 | 2012年12月10日发明专利申请号:201310669791.2 | 于晓军、唐谷、苏锐冰、刘超、黄文龙 |
一种鉴定黑鲷的分子生物学方法 | 2012年5月22日发明专利申请号:201110396900.9 | 于晓军,袁万安,吕俊耀 |
一种鉴定真鲷的分子生物学方法 | 2012年1月4日发明专利申请号:201110397024.1 | 于晓军,袁万安,吕俊耀 |
一种鉴定花鲈的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月16日发明专利申请号:201110397424.2 | 于晓军,袁万安,吕俊耀 |
一种鉴定银鲳的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月16日发明专利申请号:201110397408.3 | 于晓军,袁万安,吕俊耀 |
一种鉴定金钱鱼的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月15日发明专利申请号:201110397448.8 | 于晓军,袁万安,吕俊耀 |
一种鉴定黄鳍鲷的分子生物学方法 | 2012年3月5日发明专利申请号:201110396871.6 | 袁万安,于晓军,游翠红 |
一种鉴定短尾大眼鲷的分子生物学方法 | 2012年1月4日发明专利申请号:201110397032.6 | 袁万安,于晓军,游翠红 |
一种鉴定日本金钱鱼的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月16日发明专利申请号:201110397428.0 | 袁万安,于晓军,游翠红 |
一种鉴定平鲷的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月15日发明专利申请号:201110396933.3 | 袁万安,于晓军,游翠红 |
一种鉴定卵形鲳鲹的分子生物学方法 | 2011年12月15日发明专利申请号:201110397476.X | 袁万安,于晓军,游翠红 |
“心脏性猝死”专题学习网站 | 2008年,广东省高校现代化教育技术“151工程”结题(GDA089) | 于晓军,苏敏,田东萍,方伟强,吴明耀,许锦阶,李晓丽,王典 |
生物体电击电流分布测量方法及检测仪 | 2008年5月,发明专利,正在申请 | 于晓军,郭庆,汪家文,吴宇,李晋川 |
稳定的盐酸纳美芬注射液及其制备方法 | 2005年7月13日专利申请号: CN200510083046.5(公开号:CN1895251)(专利转让4万) | 王家权;董红梅;于晓军;徐小虎;王晋;吕俊耀 |
液压感应体积密度仪及其测试方法和用途 | ZL 03135177.8(国际专利主分类号:G01N9/02) | 于晓军,樊瑜波,徐小虎,李晋川,郭庆 |
智能生物器官体积密度仪 | 2004年6月16日,实用新型专利号:ZL 03234871.1 | 于晓军,樊瑜波,徐小虎,李晋川,郭庆 |